Saturday, May 4, 2013

First Impressions...

I won't lie... I freaked out upon arrival for the first 24 hours and all I could think about was flying the hell home ASAP. Just couldn't do it, no way, no how. Malaria, little running water for showers, washing my hair if I was lucky twice a week, no wi-fi (no client contact?! and I'll die without Facebook ;)), bunk beds, kids 19-21 years old, awful pluming aka toilet flushing minimal, iPhone locked, ants, mud, poverty, traffic, mosquito nets, yet isolated on this so called campus feeling as if I was at summer camp in Europe but on the other side of the planet, power outages, apartments being robbed and passports being stolen, no exercise, crap food, danger warnings about leaving the "compound", rain and did I mention being the old lady here?! So after a few meltdowns I had a good Skype call with a friend in South Africa. Plan B I can just leave this sh*t hole and stay with her. I felt so much better. Ok, in the meantime I'll go on safari to Mikumi Sunday - Monday. Thankfully that knocked some sense into my head and I regained some sanity. I still continue to have moments of pure frustration but I'm beginning to become a lot more patient and remind myself its not about me here, snap out of it!, you're here to help the kids. Your time here is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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